Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Accessible Travel Specialist

After completing my Alaska Destination Specialist course with the Travel Institute in December and also my Princess Cruise Lines Alaska Destination Specialist course, I have now enrolled in the Accessible Travel Specialist course with Travel Institute.

Being a Baby Boomer and a part of the largest growing segment of our population, I am lucky enough to still have my parents living near us and able to travel. Even though they have their ailments including Parkinsons Disease, heart disease, arthritis and a plethora of other things, I am happy to say they still are able to "get around" and enjoy life. But, having traveled with them with their walkers and wheelchair, I came to realize that there has to be things available to mobility challenged or any type of challenged person to help them enjoy traveling. And, so there is! There is everything out there from handicapped accessible hotel rooms and cruise ship cabins, to wheelchair rentals to oxygen and even dialysis at sea. The possibilities are endless. There are dinner menus offered in Braille on cruise ships, special diet requests honored and ramps provided to give access to viewing our beautiful world.

I've joined SATH (Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality) and Special Needs at Sea, an organization enabling people who want to travel and giving them opportunities to rent the equipment that they need in order to do so.

I am excited to venture in to this area of travel and hope that I can make the difference for someone who felt they couldn't travel because of a mobility issue, hearing or sight loss or other unfortunate circumstance. The world is out there for ALL of us to discover - just think - YES YOU CAN!!

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