SUNDAY IS FAMILY DAY, February 6, 2011
Today was a glorious day and especially extraordinary because we welcomed the newest member of our family, Jacob Robert Morgan! Jacob was born while most of us were still asleep – 12:52 a.m. on Sunday, February 6, 2011. He weighed in at seven pounds and was 21 inches long!
It was foggy and a very cool 41 degrees in San Diego when I began my drive up to Monterey to meet our newest grandchild. With my Starbucks in hand, my day began. It was dark and foggy; I could barely see 100 feet in front of the car for quite a ways up the highway. The fog began to lift as I drove further north above Temecula. At about 6:15 a.m. the daylight broke, the sky was a bright baby blue with pink clouds lacing the horizon. It was beautiful. As the sun rose in the east, I couldn’t help but notice the top of Big Bear in the San Gabriel Mountains all covered with snow.
My eight hour drive seemed to pass by quickly. I generally drive north on I-15 then take Interstate 210 west through Pasadena and the San Fernando Valley over to I-5. The portion of my drive north of Los Angeles over the Grapevine was so peaceful. The hills were covered with thick green grass from the winter rains with a yellow glow from the dandelions covering the ground. It almost looked like velvet.
I stopped a few times to get a warm refill on my coffee and continued my drive. I saw some herds of cattle grazing on the hillsides while others lay alongside the road as if they were not quite awake. When I drove by, they lifted their large heads as if to say “Good morning – don’t bother me I haven’t had my coffee yet”. I passed herds of sheep and Billy goats as well as pastures with horses meandering around. The world was waking up. Along Highway 46 from Lost Hills going over to Paso Robles and Highway 101, there were several large flocks of black crows sitting on top of the barren almond trees. Then, several times I saw something larger in the trees right alongside the highway, and there were several owls perched on the bare branches keeping a watchful eye out as the few cars that were on the road at that time of the morning, passed.
My drive up was really enjoyable with all the animals and birds that I passed along the way. I never knew what I was going to see next! During the next few days, little did I know that I would be greeted in the mornings by majestic blue herons and white egrets standing tall at the waters’ edge of the small lake near my daughter’s home.
When I arrived in Monterey, I met my daughter Jackie at her house and unloaded the car and within half an hour, we were off to the hospital to greet the newest member of our family. We walked into the hospital room and there was my daughter Steph, husband Jason and our precious new bundle of joy! I know I was as proud and happy as any other Grandma I know. And, like all of the rest of you, I think my grandson is perfect and beautiful in every way! That is our God given right! Jacob was wrapped all snug in a hospital blanket and had a tiny little cotton knit cap on his head. His tiny little hands were inside of the onesie t-shirt that he wore. His cheeks were rosy and glowing; and he was very content to be held by his Daddy. Steph looked beautiful; and it was hard to imagine that she had just given birth a few hours before I arrived.
Jacob – welcome to our family. You are loved.